The appointment went good and bad.
For the good we discussed how this could all be caused by the lack of oxygen at birth or a genetic disorder. After hearing of Andy's vision issues he was able to recommend even more strands to check for.
His progress was impressive, and the doctor was amazed. He laughed, danced and played with his feet to show off.
The swallow test (of course it has a fancy name that I can't remember) and referral for a GI doctor has been made. It's looking like a possible G tube.
I feel any sense of control slipping away, what a false security I was adjusting to.
I've seen this coming, as others, namely his pediatrician didn't say a single warning. How hard is it to warn a parent? What are you afraid of, my tears? I'm a vulnerable person, I do feel emotions for my child's hardships. I still deserve full disclosure. We will carry on with the rest of our day now.