Friday, April 26, 2013

Day 11

I'm almost too tired to write. Every day my list of things to do grows, but I lack inspiration to do anything more than hold Andy.
He had OT today, and Kathleen told me he is still making progress. And he had no spasms until we were out at the mall. He did have more spasms than yesterday.
We tried a training sippy cup because of the handles. He held onto it for a few seconds. I will continue to off it to him more.
The best moment happened after dinner, when Daddy was finishing feeding Andy.

Andy had been crying and fussy for a couple hours. He couldn't seem to be fed enough. I noticed he had gone silent. Like a scary movie, I looked down and slowly saw a trail of bright yellow runny poop (the world does need that description), down Daddy's jeans. I ask him to not panic, but Andy did poop down him. He kept saying, "Get it off me! Get it off me!"

As I was wiping the poop off of him, he even called Andy a bad baby! I still have tears in my eyes from laughter just thinking about it. What an incredibly typical problem to have.

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