Monday, April 15, 2013

Every day, like the one before

Today I noticed Andy was doing something different. Well, I noticed it two days ago but it became more frequent early in the morning. I called his neurologist, I was told he would call me back. A very reassuring call took place, with instructions to video tape what was happening and contact his pediatrician. The pediatrician's office said they would refer to neurology and request an EEG. Someone called to schedule the EEG on Friday. After emailing two videos, and waiting on baited breath for hours, then timing events- a call. I was away from my phone, it was 5pm. Office closed so I couldn't call back. 5 minutes pass.

The neurologist calls me back. Compliments my videography work. He tells me that my son is having seizures. I'm numb. All that I can say is, "okay".

My own brain functioned enough to turn the phone to speaker, so I wouldn't be left repeating words to my husband. We heard the diagnosis of seizure type, treatment options and a vague prognosis. The 3 of us made a plan of attack, as poor Andy laid next to us unknowing and vulnerable. I will hug my little boy tighter tomorrow.


  1. Amanda, Ben, and Andy.

    I am sorry to hear of the prognosis and I pray that the doctors find a reason rather then a treatment that will turn these latest events into short term issues and not something that will be with little Andy for life. But ready yourself for the possibilities of such, be there for each other, be strong most importantly for Andy. You three have my prayers and my thoughts. Ben if you need me give me a call Im there for you and the family brother.

    Ryan Gartland

  2. Amanda,

    So very sorry to hear about all that you, Ben and Andy are dealing with. Miss you here in Florida, and really wished we were closer so I can help with Andy, and Ben, and just give you hugs!! You are always in my prayers, and good healing energy sent your way. You may be hundreds of miles away, but you are still in our hearts!
    Lauri Mikell
