Saturday, April 27, 2013

Day 12

Andy started the day at 5:30 this morning. I could barely believe I was hearing him crying. He went back to sleep, then woke 2 hours later. He is teething, a lot. I can feel at least 10 teeth under his gums, and part of his gums looked dark red/bloody. Poor kid.

It was nice to spend Saturday doing our usual routine. Andy liked going shopping even more, between going to the mall often and starting to see, he never stops looking around!

A very thoughtful friend came by today and dropped off a swing for him to use. When he got fussy around 6, I put him in it. He laughed! Oh, how he laughed!

He fell asleep after about 45 minutes, or maybe sooner. I had fallen asleep on the couch watching him. I had to wake him for his medicine bottle, then put him to bed. He didn't seem to mind.

The spasms were less, except on the drive home from the store. We heard him crying in the backseat and didn't think too much of it. Once I turned around, I could see that he was having repeated spasms,; each one cause his head to bang against the side of the seat and made him cry. I held his head with my hand and it stopped the banging. He stopped crying while the spasms continued. Then he had almost 50 after I woke him for that final bottle. I had no choice but to wait them out and count until they were over.

He is making more progress with his hands, instead of having them tucked in beside his waist he's had them on his belly!

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