Saturday, April 20, 2013

Day 5 - both MRI scan results...

The day our lives were flipped upside down.

We woke up, and a fresh breakfast was already cooked for us. It was a nice way to start the day. When we arrived at the hospital, Andy was awake and happy.

The doctor came in, and said he had something confusing to discuss with us. He had the MRI results.

Andy's MRI was normal. There is no brain damage.

How can this be?

The doctors at Bellevue did not send the actual images of the previous scans, only their findings. Those had shown mild to moderate damage to the posterior internal capsule. It never explained the seizures during the first days of life, but did explain the tone issues and global developmental delay.
Now we have no explanation for anything.

The infantile spasms are still a concern, and definite based on the EEG. We were assuming the cause was an abnormal brain. That assumption is gone.

Now Andy will have 8 blood tests, another urinalysis, and spinal fluid tested. He has to be tested for many metabolic disorders. If those are ruled out, we will need genetic testing.

It's like being in the NICU all over again. The nurses have been very kind - Andy's case is "interesting" and "rare", and the support is felt from everyone trying to make this as easy as possible.

I'm overwhelmed by the kind words written to me in text, and on FB these days. I have tears in my eyes thinking about it.

I have a warm meal in my belly thanks to the volunteers who cooked at the House this evening, and I'm watching Andy rock in the swing that was brought by an organization in the hospital to help make the stay more like home.

I'm filled with happiness that he doesn't have brain damage, mixed with a dreaded anxiety for the next diagnosis. A lot will be known on Monday, so tomorrow is more time to think.

Edit: the MRI of the lower lumbar spine was normal. And seizures have continued today, and keeping an official seizure diary has begun.


  1. Amanda I only know you through Nikki and seeing how amazing you are with that precious little boy you have makes me smile. You two have been through so much together in his short little life and I can only imagine how tough it is on all 3 of you. I am so happy that they have ruled out brain damage and I do hope the doctors can figure out what is going on so the seizures will stop for this poor little guy! Hang in there because it sounds you like you have a wonderful support system behind you. I am sure you have plenty of people to talk to but if you ever need to vent and have someone just listen I am here. Take care and God Bless!

  2. Hey Little sister, we pray every day for Andy and in FAITH I believe that the LORD can and WILL totally heal him. So stand FIRM and know we are covering you guys and With HIM ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE! <*><<

  3. Amanda and Ben, The only thing you can do is keep positive and stay strong. The answers may take time, but in time they will come. Have faith in those who are caring for your little Andy, and have Faith that God will provide all that is needed to care and heal Andy. I have you all in my thoughts and my Prayers. Stay Strong.

  4. That's great news. I've let my mom know and she's requested a special prayer at her church. I'm sending you as much possible positive vibes. I hope things turn for the better tomorrow. Big Hugs.
