Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Day 16 - autism


That's how many spasms Andy had today. Compared to the 78 he had on Saturday it is mind blowing. He slept most of the day away. If I tried to get him to play he was too tired. I'm hoping he's more awake for the playground tomorrow.

I was able to briefly prop him against pillows, without him launching backwards. It was such a beautiful thing. We went for a walk to the store, and he was such a ham soaking up the sun in his hat and glasses.

I made him creamed corn and he loves it. His swing has been a miracle for when he gets too grouchy. His teeth are slowly making their way in.

A story I read today really hit me. In the story, it was to spread autism awareness, something I wish there was more information about. Here's a link to the story:

Here's what bothers me...
Why is taking Jon out on a date called "working to make lives better"?

I want real integration for those with disabilities. Not this half-ass attempt that is highlighted as charity (the way what the woman did was spun, I'm NOT insulting what she did.) I have big dreams. Dreams where we all live along side each other with understanding and acceptance, not pity and charity.

When I was 16, my first real boyfriend had cerebral palsy. It phased me so little that I was completely ignorant that there was anything "wrong" with him. Granted I was a teenager and wrapped up in myself. Maybe blame the homeschooling. There was never focus from either of our parents that there was any difference between choosing him and choosing someone without CP. I was friends with him for years, together for at least 6 months, and I never even asked what CP was. It did not matter. Why does having autism matter? Those with autism are human like me and my son.

No more separation!

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